The National Roads Authority was created on 1 July 2004 by the National Roads Authority Law (2004). The NRA was created to administer, manage, control, develop and maintain the Islands's public roads and related facilities, such as signals, stormwater facilities, roadway lighting, roadway directional signage, etc.
It performs the following: carry out, either through its employees or through independent contractors, the necessary routine periodic and emergency public road maintenance activities in accordance with the service level of maintenance established for each class or type of public road; collects information on the performance of the existing transportation system; forecasts future traffic demand; and identifies possible solutions to anticipated issues in system performance and deficiencies.
The NRA will publish a long-term National Roads Plan (NRP) every four years, to be updated annually. The National Roads Plan, which is a general planning document, will be the provision on which medium- to long-term plans for road development will be identified; it also will be used to seek approval for funding of NRP projects that will be implemented according to the objectives of this long-term plan.
A Board of directors governs the NRA. Members of the Board are responsible for the policy, and general administration of the affairs and business, of the authority. The Minister responsible for the authority may, after consultation with the members, give general and lawful directions regarding policy to the board.
The NRA's Managing Director will oversee daily operations, supported by the Deputy Director. According to the National Roads Authority Law, the Managing Director is charged with specifying a three-year public roads development plan that includes construction programmes for new public roads.
This plan complements the NRP by detailing which projects will be done with allocated resources and staff.
The National Roads Authority is currently located at the Public Works Compound
370 North Sound Road Grand Cayman,
Cayman Islands, P.O. Box 10426 APO.
Contact Number: (345)946-7780.