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CUC Roundabout to Tomlinson Roundabout Corridor Multimodal Improvement Plan

CUC Roundabout to Tomlinson Roundabout Corridor Multimodal Improvement Plan release

The National Roads Authority (NRA) conducted this planning study to evaluate the benefits of potential transportation investments to reduce congestion and improve the quality of life on Grand Cayman along the heavily-travelled CUC to Tomlinson Roundabout corridor.

The study corridor extends 1.50 miles, connecting the districts of Bodden Town and George Town and is intended to provide concepts for improving multimodal transportation and safety, while accommodating future growth. There are four major roundabout intersections within this area: the CUC Roundabout, the Grand Harbour Roundabout, the Red Bay Roundabout, and the Tomlinson Roundabout. The proposed Service Road is a committed project that is anticipated to run parallel to the main study corridor and will connect the CUC Roundabout to the Red Bay area on Shamrock Road.

The area immediately surrounding the study corridor is the site of increased mixed-use development, particularly around the Grand Harbour Roundabout. New residential and retail / commercial developments continue to open between the Grand Harbour and Tomlinson Roundabouts. As a result, the corridor faces the added challenge of balancing competing needs: maximizing vehicle throughput for commuters while providing safe access for pedestrians. To address these shifting needs, this plan takes a multimodal approach and assesses impacts across all users.

The above report is set to be released as a Final Draft for general public discussion on Monday April 29th 2024 @ for one month (May 27th 2024). The public is asked to provide any comments and or discussion points to [email protected].