Members of the public can access the ‘Your EIA in action’ website by clicking the image below
4 March 2024
National Roads Authority launches public information website for the East-West Arterial Environmental Impact Assessment study.
The National Roads Authority (NRA) has launched a new website which allows the general public in the Cayman Islands to learn about the ongoing Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study underway on the East-West Arterial (EWA) road development.
The new ‘Your EIA in action’ website is a resource where members of the public can be informed about what an EIA is, why it is being carried out, and what topics it is studying when it is conducted for an infrastructure project.
The EIA for the EWA road is a multi-disciplinary study that evaluates the potential impact on the environment and communities due to the construction of the proposed road. The results are used by decision-makers in the Cayman Islands Government to inform the final EWA road scheme that can provide opportunities and amenities to enhance the quality of life and travel for all users such as pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders.
The NRA Managing Director, Mr. Edward Howard said, “The EWA is more than just a road extension. It’s the optimal solution to enhance connectivity between the eastern and western sides of our island, lay the foundation for future, sustainable development in Grand Cayman, and improve the resilience of our road infrastructure during natural disasters.”
Regarding the EIA, he mentioned that “The EIA is a required step in the EWA’s development process. It is also best practice and commonplace in many other developed countries around the world. The EWA EIA does not make decisions but does provide decision-makers in Cayman with the best information to balance the needs of Caymanian families and residents with sustainable development and environmental conservation.”
The EIA is being conducted under the requirements of the National Conservation Act (2013) to evaluate potential positive and negative impacts on a wide range of features including transport and mobility, areas of protected natural flora and fauna habitats, hydrology and drainage and socio-economic and cultural elements.
Following the publication of draft EIA Terms of Reference last year (ToR) and a period of public consultation to gather further input from the public, the ToR was finalised, and the EIA study was started in July 2023.
Input from the public during the consultation period part of the EWA EIA Terms Reference (ToR) and a series of other public meetings, showed a need for accurate and fact-based information on the study. The new ‘Your EIA in action’ website aims to inform the public about the EIA study and dispel misinformation on what it is studying and why. It will also act as the portal for regular updates on the EIA as work progresses on it.
Mr. Howard further commented on the value the website brings to the public, “The new website resource is important because it was very clear that the general public wanted more and accurate information on the EIA and what it is looking at. The website explains the EIA process, what it is studying and shows the work in progress.
“Visitors to the website can get a clear understanding of the numerous areas of study that are being evaluated including, ‘Cultural and Natural Heritage, ‘Socio-economic impact’, ‘Noise and vibration’ and ‘Transport and mobility’. These are things that impact all Caymanians and residents so, it’s important for people to fully understand what is being studied and why.”
Additional information on a variety of topics will continue to be added to the website as the studies progress.
Members of the public can access the ‘Your EIA in action’ website at and by following NRA social media channels.
About the National Roads Authority
The National Roads Authority was created on 1 July 2004 by the National Roads Authority Law (2004). The NRA was created to administer, manage, control, develop and maintain the Islands's public roads and related facilities, such as signals, stormwater facilities, roadway lighting, roadway directional signage, etc.
It performs the following: carry out, either through its employees or through independent contractors, the necessary routine periodic and emergency public road maintenance activities in accordance with the service level of maintenance established for each class or type of public road; collects information on the performance of the existing transportation system; forecasts future traffic demand; and identifies possible solutions to anticipated issues in system performance and deficiencies.
Media Contact
Darryl Greer
E: [email protected]
T: +1-345-623-6700